Thursday, December 18, 2008

2009 Team Training Dates

Hello climbers, I hope you're getting excited about next year and the great summits we'll see together. We haven't set firm dates yet for the Aconcagua departure but the training pieces are firm now as follows.

The compulsory trip to Rainer is July 10, 11, 12 and everyone is expected to be prepared to go to the summit. This isn't for technical training but only for us to do something together as a team and learn how well we work together. Many of you need no training at all while others have not done a basic mountaineering course to learn the basics of glacier travel, self arresting, and crevasse rescue of self & others. If you need the training or want a refresher (there is some cool new stuff that may be good to see)the weekend is May 15,16,17 on Mt. Baker. We do a 2 day course then summit. Ken is the only one actually signed up so far so you need to let me know if you're coming. If you can't come on this weekend you'll need to find another course with someone else or set up another one with me. If you have any questions about gear etc. just call or email me. ~ Jim Ongena

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