Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It may well be those who dream, do most... S. Leacock...

Christmas in Newfoundland is a wonderous, wild and wooly experience! But the most amazing part of this experience is that the people who live here mirror in their spirits this wonderous, wild and wooly quality.

The Newfoundland people are without a doubt an insipiration for all Canadians and especially for our team and the challenge that lays ahead.

As an example; I met a Canadian author, Paul O'Neill, his publisher, Gavin Will of boulder publications and purchased a great history book that Paul wrote called 'The Oldest City'. Paul is 80 years old, he and Gavin offered to deliver the book to our daughter's home in St. John's, but I offered to make it easy and meet them at the local Chapters where they were doing a book signing the next day, they agreed. However in typical Newfoundland fashion the weather in all it's wild and wooly nature prevented us from connecting. Once the storm had abated, later that same evening, who should show up at our front door, bearing the signed copy of 'The Oldest City', but Gavin, making sure I had the book before Christmas... Only in Newfoundland....

I have experienced this many times, in many ways over the past 3 years of visiting this incredible, austere place we aptly name 'The Rock', for in the stone is etched a history of suffering and celebration that runs as deep as the Atlantic itself.

The CFPC - Climb For Prostate Cancer posters and brochures are being displayed in St. John's Newfoundland, at the Boston Pizza and also at the Eastern Health Centre. The brochures will be spreading the awareness, spreading the news and extending the journey from Coast to Coast.

From 'The Oldest City' Paul quotes in Chapter 10 - "To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive" - Robert Louis Stevenson. Our journey, like our vision is full of hope, we have arrived....

To all of the CFPC Team members, from the eastern edge of North America..... as I stand on the rocks off Cape Spears, amidst the wind, snow and ice, the ocean spray breaking over the rocks below, to the East is Portugual, to the South the Eastern Edge of Argentina, where we will all be standing this time next year..... A Merry Christmas, talk to you all Jan 5th....

Kind Regards, Ken & Sue

Monday, December 22, 2008

What inspires our Souls?

What is Inspires our Souls?

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly…who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat." ~ Teddy Roosevelt

PS I keep thinking of the "cold and timid souls"........ brad

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dr Don Scaman joins CFPC

We are pleased to announce that Don Scaman has joined our team.

Don Scaman grew up in Banff and has always felt at home in the mountains. He has a special love for the outdoors and spending time in nature, kayaking, skiing, and mountaineering.

He has spent his time climbing the peaks of the Coastal Range and the Rockies, with trips to Nepal, New Zealand and Patagonia.

For the last 35 years he has been a family practitioner in Abbotsford and has been a strong advocate for Men's Health issues. He has helped numerous men struggle with prostate cancer and is greatly concerned about educating men about prostate disease and prevention. He hopes that with this climb more awareness will be raised to support research and treatment of Prostate Cancer. ~ Brad Henry CFPC lead

2009 Team Training Dates

Hello climbers, I hope you're getting excited about next year and the great summits we'll see together. We haven't set firm dates yet for the Aconcagua departure but the training pieces are firm now as follows.

The compulsory trip to Rainer is July 10, 11, 12 and everyone is expected to be prepared to go to the summit. This isn't for technical training but only for us to do something together as a team and learn how well we work together. Many of you need no training at all while others have not done a basic mountaineering course to learn the basics of glacier travel, self arresting, and crevasse rescue of self & others. If you need the training or want a refresher (there is some cool new stuff that may be good to see)the weekend is May 15,16,17 on Mt. Baker. We do a 2 day course then summit. Ken is the only one actually signed up so far so you need to let me know if you're coming. If you can't come on this weekend you'll need to find another course with someone else or set up another one with me. If you have any questions about gear etc. just call or email me. ~ Jim Ongena

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Run, Walk, Row, Bike, Climb, Hike or Fly Challenge

Come join the CFPC - Climb for Prostate Cancer Team in a 'Run, Walk, Row, Bike, Climb, Hike or Fly - Meters' - Pennies for Prostate Cancer Challenge.

Whether you do your activity on a machine in a gym, on the road, on the water or in the air you can participate in whatever activity you choose, while at the same time each meter you move forward will be raising pennies to move 'Prostate Cancer Research' towards the goal of a cure!

Stay Tuned to our web site for the start date of your challenge!

Come - Run, Walk, Row, Bike, Climb, Hike or Fly with us....

CFPC Event Setup For Donations & Sponsors

Climb for prostate cancer (CFPC) event is officially ready to accept cash donations and sponsorship. Keith Britz, CFPC accountant advisor will be issing futher instructions for funding the event.

Donations – Cheques payable to the “VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation
Donations can be accepted through the “Donate Now” link on the Website or through our pledge form envelope program. Donations over $25 will receive a charity donation receipt from the VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation.

Sponsors – Cheques payable to “Climb for Prostate
Sponsorship money or products can be accepted by each climbing member. There are many benefits and promotional opportunities available. Please contact climbforprostate@gmail or contact Ken Hurley for promotional benefits.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome Back-Dr Micheal Cox !

We welcome back Dr Micheal Cox, Senior scientist from the Vancouver Prostate Center at VGH, he will be speaking on behalf of the CFPC event and prostate cancer at Chilliwack’s Rotary Club Thursday Feb 12th at 7am.

Dr Cox spoke to our Friday Rotary club meeting Oct 17, 2008. It was very well received with his engaging and humorous style presentation on this silent disease.

  • Senior Scientist, The Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia

  • Recipient - George R. Richards Endowment for Prostate Cancer

  • Scholar, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research

Chilliwack Landing Leisure Center Sponsor

Climb for Prostate is pleased to announce the Gold status support of the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Center. They are providing a full venue for the team for health and wellness programs, access to pool, weight and cardio rooms, professional trainers and the their team of health professionals . We will also have access to the conference room facilities for holding awareness forums and meetings. A special thanks to Lauralee Cheng, Chilliwack landing Leisure Center Manager and our own Ken Hurley for arranging this for us!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gift from Steve Henry

Steve Henry, supporter and friend of the climb for Prostate event has donated signed copies of the book , "Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond", for each the team member.
Mr Henry is a firm believer of heal and wellness for men in the last 1/3 of their lives. He works out vigourously for one hour every day and at 70 years of age would easily keep up with anyone 20 years younger.

On behalf of each team member thank you Steve!

Welcom to the team "Randy Kolarcik"

Randy Kolarcik, 48, lives and works in Surrey, BC. He is the manager of a Safeway store where he has been involved in raising funds for prostate cancer research. Randy has been married for 24 years and is a father of three. He enjoys many sporting activities, including hockey, running, golf, and cycling. Randy began climbing many of the local mountains 6 years ago, the highlight of which was his summit of Mt. Baker. Several of Randy’s family members, friends and business associates have been affected by prostate cancer. Joining this team to climb Mt. Aconcagua while raising awareness of and funds for prostate cancer, make this a fantastic opportunity to contribute to a future cure for the disease.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

FlyBC Sponsor Xmas Invitation

Climb for Prostate team:

Book off December 13, 2008 for the FlyBC Christmas Party in the Barn at Eagle Ranch, we are having "Head Over Heels" again and the Barn has been extensive upgraded to provide a better dancing experience. Please RSVP via email if you are coming or respond through the Facebook page. More on the logistics later, but it is a full moon evening on December 12, only IFR and Night rated pilots will be allowed to fly!! We are going Potluck this year.

Colleen is preparing a huge Ham, Roast Beef and vegetarian chili for the odd vegan in the crowd. We will need salads, desserts and appetizers from others.

For more information, please goto to our sponsor's website www.flybc.org

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don Parmenter joins the team

We are pleased to announce that Don Parmenter, age 57, from Kaleden, B.C., has joined the team. A father of four and a big believer in making things possible he knows that cancer statistics can change through early detection and more research. I am still enjoying time with my 84 year old father because of his successful Prostate Cancer treatment.

Welcome to the Journey Don !

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dr MicheaL Cox Speaking Chilliwack Rotary

Dr Micheal Cox, Senior scientist from the Vancouver Prostate Center at VGH, will be speaking on behalf of the event and prostate cancer at Chilliwacks oldest Rotary Club Friday October 17th 2008.

  • Senior Scientist, The Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia
  • Recipient - George R. Richards Endowment for Prostate Cancer
  • Scholar, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research

MNP Chartered Accountants

Friend and supporter of the climb for prostate event, Meyers Norris Penny, chartered accounts have tentatively agreed to represent the event for tax remittances consultation.

Since MNP was founded in 1945, it has grown to become the seventh largest chartered accountancy and advisory firm in Canada.

FlyBC & Ozone

Friend and supporter of the climb for prostate event Jim Reich owner of FlyBC will present deepening the sponsorship involvement with Ozone. Our discussions included a FlyBC and Ozone support/ sponsor for the specialty paraglide component of our event.

We also discussed film footage for Ozone promotional

I will keep you all in advised as we progress with our discussions.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Climb for Prostate 2009 version 3

Climb for Prostate web site version 3.0 has been released . The website can now accept general donations or in memory of honour of someone special. The web donations are linked to the UBC & VGH foundation. Others news :
  • Dr Steve Cox from the Prostate center will be speaking at local rotary luncheons in Chilliwack in the fall. This is very exciting and look forward to spend time with him
  • A chartered accountant firm has expressed an interest to help and may also may have an employee join us.
  • We will be setting up a formal pledge and donation committee and start our count down to the event.
  • We have waivers and welcome letters for our climbers and trekkers.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to the Beginning

I would like to welcome you to our journey; the Climb for Prostate to the top of Mt Aconcagua, Argentina 2009. Our blog is to bring you closer to our cause, with current news, updates and pictures. We want you to part of the experience.

Our goal is two fold, to raise $100,000 for Prostate Cancer Research and raise awareness through creative multi media .

So far we have completed our website, we have 4 dynamic members (IMHO a dream startup team) , and our startup brochures. I am hopeful with the magic of team work and strong vision we will have movement of volunteers, climbers, sponsor and donors to help us achieve our goals.

Other than our guide, we are a group of men who have never achieved a climb of this character, in terms of time, distance and height. We are also acutely aware the we are living the 1/3 of lives now and our cause is in hope that we can make a difference with Prostate Cancer research.

Welcome to our journey of hope. Brad Henry - Team Leader